Source code for bacalhau.topic_tree

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import networkx as nx

[docs]class TopicTree(nx.DiGraph): """Represents a TopicTree. Extends `networkx.DiGraph`.""" def __init__(self, data=None, **attr): """Creates a new `.TopicTree`. :param data: data to initialize the tree with. If no data is supplied an empty tree is created. :type data: `list`, `.TopicTree` or any `networkx` graph object. :param attr: keyword arguments to add to the tree. :type attr: key/value pairs. """ super(TopicTree, self).__init__(data, **attr)
[docs] def compress(self, min_children=2): """Compresses the tree based on the castanet algorithm: 1. starting from the leaves, recursively eliminate a parent that has fewer than `min_children`, unless the parent is the root; 2. eliminate a child whose name appears within the parent's name. :param min_children: minimum number of children that a parent should have, defaults to 2. :type min_children: int. """ for n in self.nodes(data=True): if 'is_leaf' in n[1]: self._eliminate_parents(n[0], min_children) for n in self.nodes(data=True): if 'is_leaf' in n[1]: self._eliminate_child_with_parent_name(n[0])
[docs] def _eliminate_parents(self, node, min_children): """Recursively eliminates a parent of the current node that has fewer than min_children children, unless the parent is the root. :param node: name of node to process. :type node: str. :param min_children: minimum number of children that a parent should have :type min_children: int. """ for p in self.predecessors(node): if self.has_node(p): n_children = len(self.out_edges(p)) has_parent = len(self.predecessors(p)) > 0 if n_children < min_children and has_parent: ancestor = self.predecessors(p)[0] children = self.successors(p) self.remove_node(p) for child in children: self.add_edge(ancestor, child) self._eliminate_parents(node, min_children) else: self._eliminate_parents(p, min_children)
[docs] def _eliminate_child_with_parent_name(self, node): """Eliminate a child node whose name appears within the parent's name. :param node: name of node to process. :type node: str. """ for p in self.predecessors(node): if self.has_node(p): node_name = node[:node.find('.')] p_name = p[:p.find('.')] if node_name in p_name or p_name in node_name: children = self.successors(node) self.remove_node(node) for child in children: self.add_edge(p, child) self._eliminate_child_with_parent_name(p) else: self._eliminate_child_with_parent_name(p)
[docs] def prune(self, nodes): """Removes the given nodes from the tree. :param nodes: names of the nodes to be remove from the tree. :type nodes: list of str. """ for node in nodes: if self.has_node(node): self.remove_node(node)
[docs] def render(self, filepath, format='svg', prog='dot', attributes={}): """Renders the tree into the file at `filepath`. `filepath` may also be a File-like object.""" agraph = nx.to_agraph(self) for key, value in attributes.iteritems(): agraph.node_attr[key] = value agraph.draw(filepath, format=format, prog=prog)
[docs] def to_json(self, filepath): """Serializes the TopicTree to JSON Graph format and writes it to a file. `filepath` is a file path or File-like object.""" if isinstance(filepath, basestring): json_file = open(filepath, 'w') else: json_file = filepath json_file.write(json_graph.dumps(self)) if isinstance(filepath, basestring): json_file.close()